Till you realize that all your friend are gone Your mom (unknown to you) has a 3 mile long chore list she's had since Christmas, and your entire family is coming down to judge you on your style and life choices. My favorite.
So me, with all my extra time, has compiled a list of 10 things for you to do to fill time
1. Make a batch of cookie dough and eat it while watching tinker bell (I did this yesterday. It seriously helps).
2. Make a collage that represents you or friends.
3. Take photos of thing around you, cut them up and paste them on your walls in artsy ways.
4. Branching off of the previous one, rearrange your room or glam it up with cool DIY things or just random cool magazine cutouts.
5. Read a motherfucking book.
6. Go on this blog (hehe).
7. I recently subscribed to Ted Radio Hour (on the podcast app on any Apple phone). It is so interesting and brain pleasing. Do it.
8. Find a tree. Climb it.
9. Go on a website called Bored button. It's weird.
10. And finally call your friends and talk to them. And if they don't pick up, leave them an aggressive voicemail and then go back to top of list.
Now, I hope this list works for you. And if you have so much time that you've already gone through it twice, I will be posting more bored lists throughout summer. So long.
-Mairin ( incredibly bored, and eating cookie dough)
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