Thursday, July 2, 2015

Sand Land - Rehearsal Week At An Outdoor Drama

 We have snacks. Dress rehearsals need food.
Reading Rookie saves me. I'm trapped in a metal building with 11 other beings under the age of 15.

 Mercer is reading Solitaire AGAIN! She highly recommends it. Clara and Ursa color. 

 Ursa is focused on something. That's new. Freyja is reading. She decided to help fill our lack of male child presence onstage. What a trooper.
At the end of our night, I probably decided that a pile of disregarded coloring pages, my moccasins, and my smexy, Revolution era dress were 'aesthetic'. Good job Emma, double bad.

 My sister acting cool. Luckily, this is rehearsal week.
Mercer is not amused.
 Myself, in a moment of reflection.

Aren't my other sisters cute?
Helping each other is a big part of backstage life.
 Before rehearsal, we often go to a park close to the amphitheater. Artsy.
Coloring is also a huge part of our acting lifestyle.
 She's being weird or I'm just sooo funny.
Blurry photos are aesthetic.
 The Bois
Again, coloring.
Starring my brother's intense eyes...
 ...bad mascara...
....and Emma's profile with a photo bomber.
And now, the cast partay!

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